How to Filter a Custom column with custom data in Products grid?


I have created a custom column in Product gird by a module, which shows Parent product's SKU there. It's working fine but when I try to filter it Magento gives "Something went wrong with processing the default view and we have restored the filter to its original state." error. and in exception.log the error is:

[2019-01-03 11:33:08] main.CRITICAL: Invalid attribute name: parentid_col {"exception":"[object] (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(code: 0): Invalid attribute name: parentid_col at /html/vendor/magento/module-eav/Model/Entity/Collection/AbstractCollection.php:1383)"}

Here's my code


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<listing xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Ui:etc/ui_configuration.xsd">
<columns name="product_columns">
<column name="parentid_col" class="CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumnParentProductId">
<argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
<item name="config" xsi:type="array">
<item name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Parent id</item>
<item name="filter" xsi:type="string">text</item>
<item name="visible" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="number">50</item>
<item name="align" xsi:type="string">left</item>
<item name="dataType" xsi:type="string">text</item>
<item name="bodyTmpl" xsi:type="string">ui/grid/cells/html</item>



namespace CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumn;
use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentFactory;
use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentContextInterface;
use MagentoUiComponentListingColumnsColumn;

class ParentProductId extends Column
protected $configurable;
protected $bundle;
protected $_productFactory;

public function __construct(
ContextInterface $context,
UiComponentFactory $uiComponentFactory,
MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory $productFactory,

MagentoConfigurableProductModelProductTypeConfigurable $configurable,
MagentoBundleModelProductType $bundle,

array $components = ,
array $data =
) {
parent::__construct($context, $uiComponentFactory, $components, $data);
$this->_configurable = $configurable;
$this->_bundle = $bundle;
$this->_productFactory = $productFactory;


public function prepareDataSource(array $dataSource)

if (isset($dataSource['data']['items'])) {
foreach ($dataSource['data']['items'] as &$items) {
if($items['type_id'] == 'simple'){

$productId = $items['entity_id'];
$parentProducts = '';

$getParent = $this->_configurable->getParentIdsByChild($productId);
$parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($getParent);
$getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();

$parentProducts .= $getParentSku;

$getParent = $this->_bundle->getParentIdsByChild($productId);

foreach ($getParent as $p) {
$parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($p);
$getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();
$parentProducts .= $getParentSku.',';
$items['parentid_col'] = $parentProducts;

return $dataSource;


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New contributor

Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    I have created a custom column in Product gird by a module, which shows Parent product's SKU there. It's working fine but when I try to filter it Magento gives "Something went wrong with processing the default view and we have restored the filter to its original state." error. and in exception.log the error is:

    [2019-01-03 11:33:08] main.CRITICAL: Invalid attribute name: parentid_col {"exception":"[object] (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(code: 0): Invalid attribute name: parentid_col at /html/vendor/magento/module-eav/Model/Entity/Collection/AbstractCollection.php:1383)"}

    Here's my code


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <listing xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Ui:etc/ui_configuration.xsd">
    <columns name="product_columns">
    <column name="parentid_col" class="CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumnParentProductId">
    <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
    <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
    <item name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Parent id</item>
    <item name="filter" xsi:type="string">text</item>
    <item name="visible" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
    <item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="number">50</item>
    <item name="align" xsi:type="string">left</item>
    <item name="dataType" xsi:type="string">text</item>
    <item name="bodyTmpl" xsi:type="string">ui/grid/cells/html</item>



    namespace CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumn;
    use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentFactory;
    use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentContextInterface;
    use MagentoUiComponentListingColumnsColumn;

    class ParentProductId extends Column
    protected $configurable;
    protected $bundle;
    protected $_productFactory;

    public function __construct(
    ContextInterface $context,
    UiComponentFactory $uiComponentFactory,
    MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory $productFactory,

    MagentoConfigurableProductModelProductTypeConfigurable $configurable,
    MagentoBundleModelProductType $bundle,

    array $components = ,
    array $data =
    ) {
    parent::__construct($context, $uiComponentFactory, $components, $data);
    $this->_configurable = $configurable;
    $this->_bundle = $bundle;
    $this->_productFactory = $productFactory;


    public function prepareDataSource(array $dataSource)

    if (isset($dataSource['data']['items'])) {
    foreach ($dataSource['data']['items'] as &$items) {
    if($items['type_id'] == 'simple'){

    $productId = $items['entity_id'];
    $parentProducts = '';

    $getParent = $this->_configurable->getParentIdsByChild($productId);
    $parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($getParent);
    $getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();

    $parentProducts .= $getParentSku;

    $getParent = $this->_bundle->getParentIdsByChild($productId);

    foreach ($getParent as $p) {
    $parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($p);
    $getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();
    $parentProducts .= $getParentSku.',';
    $items['parentid_col'] = $parentProducts;

    return $dataSource;


    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      I have created a custom column in Product gird by a module, which shows Parent product's SKU there. It's working fine but when I try to filter it Magento gives "Something went wrong with processing the default view and we have restored the filter to its original state." error. and in exception.log the error is:

      [2019-01-03 11:33:08] main.CRITICAL: Invalid attribute name: parentid_col {"exception":"[object] (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(code: 0): Invalid attribute name: parentid_col at /html/vendor/magento/module-eav/Model/Entity/Collection/AbstractCollection.php:1383)"}

      Here's my code


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

      <listing xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Ui:etc/ui_configuration.xsd">
      <columns name="product_columns">
      <column name="parentid_col" class="CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumnParentProductId">
      <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
      <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
      <item name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Parent id</item>
      <item name="filter" xsi:type="string">text</item>
      <item name="visible" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
      <item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="number">50</item>
      <item name="align" xsi:type="string">left</item>
      <item name="dataType" xsi:type="string">text</item>
      <item name="bodyTmpl" xsi:type="string">ui/grid/cells/html</item>



      namespace CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumn;
      use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentFactory;
      use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentContextInterface;
      use MagentoUiComponentListingColumnsColumn;

      class ParentProductId extends Column
      protected $configurable;
      protected $bundle;
      protected $_productFactory;

      public function __construct(
      ContextInterface $context,
      UiComponentFactory $uiComponentFactory,
      MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory $productFactory,

      MagentoConfigurableProductModelProductTypeConfigurable $configurable,
      MagentoBundleModelProductType $bundle,

      array $components = ,
      array $data =
      ) {
      parent::__construct($context, $uiComponentFactory, $components, $data);
      $this->_configurable = $configurable;
      $this->_bundle = $bundle;
      $this->_productFactory = $productFactory;


      public function prepareDataSource(array $dataSource)

      if (isset($dataSource['data']['items'])) {
      foreach ($dataSource['data']['items'] as &$items) {
      if($items['type_id'] == 'simple'){

      $productId = $items['entity_id'];
      $parentProducts = '';

      $getParent = $this->_configurable->getParentIdsByChild($productId);
      $parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($getParent);
      $getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();

      $parentProducts .= $getParentSku;

      $getParent = $this->_bundle->getParentIdsByChild($productId);

      foreach ($getParent as $p) {
      $parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($p);
      $getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();
      $parentProducts .= $getParentSku.',';
      $items['parentid_col'] = $parentProducts;

      return $dataSource;


      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      I have created a custom column in Product gird by a module, which shows Parent product's SKU there. It's working fine but when I try to filter it Magento gives "Something went wrong with processing the default view and we have restored the filter to its original state." error. and in exception.log the error is:

      [2019-01-03 11:33:08] main.CRITICAL: Invalid attribute name: parentid_col {"exception":"[object] (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException(code: 0): Invalid attribute name: parentid_col at /html/vendor/magento/module-eav/Model/Entity/Collection/AbstractCollection.php:1383)"}

      Here's my code


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

      <listing xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Ui:etc/ui_configuration.xsd">
      <columns name="product_columns">
      <column name="parentid_col" class="CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumnParentProductId">
      <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
      <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
      <item name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Parent id</item>
      <item name="filter" xsi:type="string">text</item>
      <item name="visible" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>
      <item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="number">50</item>
      <item name="align" xsi:type="string">left</item>
      <item name="dataType" xsi:type="string">text</item>
      <item name="bodyTmpl" xsi:type="string">ui/grid/cells/html</item>



      namespace CustomColumnAddproductcolumnUiComponentListingColumn;
      use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentFactory;
      use MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentContextInterface;
      use MagentoUiComponentListingColumnsColumn;

      class ParentProductId extends Column
      protected $configurable;
      protected $bundle;
      protected $_productFactory;

      public function __construct(
      ContextInterface $context,
      UiComponentFactory $uiComponentFactory,
      MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory $productFactory,

      MagentoConfigurableProductModelProductTypeConfigurable $configurable,
      MagentoBundleModelProductType $bundle,

      array $components = ,
      array $data =
      ) {
      parent::__construct($context, $uiComponentFactory, $components, $data);
      $this->_configurable = $configurable;
      $this->_bundle = $bundle;
      $this->_productFactory = $productFactory;


      public function prepareDataSource(array $dataSource)

      if (isset($dataSource['data']['items'])) {
      foreach ($dataSource['data']['items'] as &$items) {
      if($items['type_id'] == 'simple'){

      $productId = $items['entity_id'];
      $parentProducts = '';

      $getParent = $this->_configurable->getParentIdsByChild($productId);
      $parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($getParent);
      $getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();

      $parentProducts .= $getParentSku;

      $getParent = $this->_bundle->getParentIdsByChild($productId);

      foreach ($getParent as $p) {
      $parentData = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($p);
      $getParentSku = $parentData->getSku();
      $parentProducts .= $getParentSku.',';
      $items['parentid_col'] = $parentProducts;

      return $dataSource;


      magento2 filter magento2.2.4 product-grid custom-column-grid

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

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      New contributor

      Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 23 hours ago

      Manashvi Birla



      New contributor

      Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked yesterday

      Tajveez Rehman



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      Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      Tajveez Rehman is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.





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