Magento 2 Add new field to Magento_User admin form


I am looking for a good approach with add/update already prepared (by default) Magento User's (module-user) form. Form can be reached in admin panel by this path:

System > All users > [chosen_user] > User's main edit tab (Account Information)

Now I'm trying with using di.xml in my custom module where I specify dependencies:

<preference for="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTabMain" />
<preference for="MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGridUser" />


This is content that I've already made for a Main.php class

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTab;

use MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain as UserEditMainTab;
use MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext;
use MagentoFrameworkRegistry;
use MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory;
use MagentoBackendModelAuthSession;
use MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface;

class Main extends UserEditMainTab
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Registry $registry,
FormFactory $formFactory,
Session $authSession,
ListsInterface $localeLists,
array $data =
) {
parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data);

protected function _prepareForm()
/** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
$model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

/** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
$form = $this->_formFactory->create();

$baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information __ TEST')]);

if ($model->getUserId()) {
$baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
} else {
if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

'name' => 'user_image',
'label' => __('User Image'),
'id' => 'user_image',
'title' => __('User Image'),
'required' => false,
'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

'name' => 'username',
'label' => __('User Name'),
'id' => 'username',
'title' => __('User Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'firstname',
'label' => __('First Name'),
'id' => 'firstname',
'title' => __('First Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'lastname',
'label' => __('Last Name'),
'id' => 'lastname',
'title' => __('Last Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'email',
'label' => __('Email'),
'id' => 'customer_email',
'title' => __('User Email'),
'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
'required' => true

$isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
if ($isNewObject) {
$passwordLabel = __('Password');
} else {
$passwordLabel = __('New Password');
$confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
$this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

'name' => 'interface_locale',
'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
'values' => $this->_LocaleLists->getTranslatedOptionLocales(),
'class' => 'select'

if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
'name' => 'is_active',
'label' => __('This account is'),
'id' => 'is_active',
'title' => __('Account Status'),
'class' => 'input-select',
'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

$baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

$currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
'label' => __('Your Password'),
'title' => __('Your Password'),
'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
'required' => true

$data = $model->getData();


return parent::_prepareForm();

and some code for User.php

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGrid;

use MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser as RoleGridUser;
use MagentoBackendBlockWidgetGridExtended as ExtendedGrid;

class User extends RoleGridUser
protected function _prepareColumns()

'header' => __('User Image'),
'width' => 5,
'align' => 'left',
'sortable' => true,
'index' => 'user_image'

return ExtendedGrid::_prepareCollection();

If you take a look closer you already now that I'm trying to add a field with user's image.

Unfortunately, I don't see any changes in admin front. Of course, needed column was added by InstallSchema script earlier to 'admin_user' table.

Contents of directories in a tree-like format:

├── Block
│   ├── Catalog
│   │   └── Product
│   │   └── RelatedPosts.php
│   ├── Role
│   │   └── Grid
│   │   └── User.php
│   └── User
│   └── Edit
│   └── Tab
│   └── Main.php
├── composer.json
├── etc
│   ├── di.xml
│   └── module.xml
├── Setup
   └── InstallSchema.php

What Did I do Wrong?

share|improve this question

  • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
    – Great Indian Brain
    Jul 25 '17 at 10:58


I am looking for a good approach with add/update already prepared (by default) Magento User's (module-user) form. Form can be reached in admin panel by this path:

System > All users > [chosen_user] > User's main edit tab (Account Information)

Now I'm trying with using di.xml in my custom module where I specify dependencies:

<preference for="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTabMain" />
<preference for="MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGridUser" />


This is content that I've already made for a Main.php class

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTab;

use MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain as UserEditMainTab;
use MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext;
use MagentoFrameworkRegistry;
use MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory;
use MagentoBackendModelAuthSession;
use MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface;

class Main extends UserEditMainTab
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Registry $registry,
FormFactory $formFactory,
Session $authSession,
ListsInterface $localeLists,
array $data =
) {
parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data);

protected function _prepareForm()
/** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
$model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

/** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
$form = $this->_formFactory->create();

$baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information __ TEST')]);

if ($model->getUserId()) {
$baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
} else {
if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

'name' => 'user_image',
'label' => __('User Image'),
'id' => 'user_image',
'title' => __('User Image'),
'required' => false,
'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

'name' => 'username',
'label' => __('User Name'),
'id' => 'username',
'title' => __('User Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'firstname',
'label' => __('First Name'),
'id' => 'firstname',
'title' => __('First Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'lastname',
'label' => __('Last Name'),
'id' => 'lastname',
'title' => __('Last Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'email',
'label' => __('Email'),
'id' => 'customer_email',
'title' => __('User Email'),
'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
'required' => true

$isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
if ($isNewObject) {
$passwordLabel = __('Password');
} else {
$passwordLabel = __('New Password');
$confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
$this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

'name' => 'interface_locale',
'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
'values' => $this->_LocaleLists->getTranslatedOptionLocales(),
'class' => 'select'

if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
'name' => 'is_active',
'label' => __('This account is'),
'id' => 'is_active',
'title' => __('Account Status'),
'class' => 'input-select',
'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

$baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

$currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
'label' => __('Your Password'),
'title' => __('Your Password'),
'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
'required' => true

$data = $model->getData();


return parent::_prepareForm();

and some code for User.php

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGrid;

use MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser as RoleGridUser;
use MagentoBackendBlockWidgetGridExtended as ExtendedGrid;

class User extends RoleGridUser
protected function _prepareColumns()

'header' => __('User Image'),
'width' => 5,
'align' => 'left',
'sortable' => true,
'index' => 'user_image'

return ExtendedGrid::_prepareCollection();

If you take a look closer you already now that I'm trying to add a field with user's image.

Unfortunately, I don't see any changes in admin front. Of course, needed column was added by InstallSchema script earlier to 'admin_user' table.

Contents of directories in a tree-like format:

├── Block
│   ├── Catalog
│   │   └── Product
│   │   └── RelatedPosts.php
│   ├── Role
│   │   └── Grid
│   │   └── User.php
│   └── User
│   └── Edit
│   └── Tab
│   └── Main.php
├── composer.json
├── etc
│   ├── di.xml
│   └── module.xml
├── Setup
   └── InstallSchema.php

What Did I do Wrong?

share|improve this question

  • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
    – Great Indian Brain
    Jul 25 '17 at 10:58





I am looking for a good approach with add/update already prepared (by default) Magento User's (module-user) form. Form can be reached in admin panel by this path:

System > All users > [chosen_user] > User's main edit tab (Account Information)

Now I'm trying with using di.xml in my custom module where I specify dependencies:

<preference for="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTabMain" />
<preference for="MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGridUser" />


This is content that I've already made for a Main.php class

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTab;

use MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain as UserEditMainTab;
use MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext;
use MagentoFrameworkRegistry;
use MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory;
use MagentoBackendModelAuthSession;
use MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface;

class Main extends UserEditMainTab
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Registry $registry,
FormFactory $formFactory,
Session $authSession,
ListsInterface $localeLists,
array $data =
) {
parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data);

protected function _prepareForm()
/** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
$model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

/** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
$form = $this->_formFactory->create();

$baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information __ TEST')]);

if ($model->getUserId()) {
$baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
} else {
if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

'name' => 'user_image',
'label' => __('User Image'),
'id' => 'user_image',
'title' => __('User Image'),
'required' => false,
'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

'name' => 'username',
'label' => __('User Name'),
'id' => 'username',
'title' => __('User Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'firstname',
'label' => __('First Name'),
'id' => 'firstname',
'title' => __('First Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'lastname',
'label' => __('Last Name'),
'id' => 'lastname',
'title' => __('Last Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'email',
'label' => __('Email'),
'id' => 'customer_email',
'title' => __('User Email'),
'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
'required' => true

$isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
if ($isNewObject) {
$passwordLabel = __('Password');
} else {
$passwordLabel = __('New Password');
$confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
$this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

'name' => 'interface_locale',
'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
'values' => $this->_LocaleLists->getTranslatedOptionLocales(),
'class' => 'select'

if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
'name' => 'is_active',
'label' => __('This account is'),
'id' => 'is_active',
'title' => __('Account Status'),
'class' => 'input-select',
'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

$baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

$currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
'label' => __('Your Password'),
'title' => __('Your Password'),
'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
'required' => true

$data = $model->getData();


return parent::_prepareForm();

and some code for User.php

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGrid;

use MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser as RoleGridUser;
use MagentoBackendBlockWidgetGridExtended as ExtendedGrid;

class User extends RoleGridUser
protected function _prepareColumns()

'header' => __('User Image'),
'width' => 5,
'align' => 'left',
'sortable' => true,
'index' => 'user_image'

return ExtendedGrid::_prepareCollection();

If you take a look closer you already now that I'm trying to add a field with user's image.

Unfortunately, I don't see any changes in admin front. Of course, needed column was added by InstallSchema script earlier to 'admin_user' table.

Contents of directories in a tree-like format:

├── Block
│   ├── Catalog
│   │   └── Product
│   │   └── RelatedPosts.php
│   ├── Role
│   │   └── Grid
│   │   └── User.php
│   └── User
│   └── Edit
│   └── Tab
│   └── Main.php
├── composer.json
├── etc
│   ├── di.xml
│   └── module.xml
├── Setup
   └── InstallSchema.php

What Did I do Wrong?

share|improve this question

I am looking for a good approach with add/update already prepared (by default) Magento User's (module-user) form. Form can be reached in admin panel by this path:

System > All users > [chosen_user] > User's main edit tab (Account Information)

Now I'm trying with using di.xml in my custom module where I specify dependencies:

<preference for="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTabMain" />
<preference for="MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser" type="Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGridUser" />


This is content that I've already made for a Main.php class

// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockUserEditTab;

use MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain as UserEditMainTab;
use MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext;
use MagentoFrameworkRegistry;
use MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory;
use MagentoBackendModelAuthSession;
use MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface;

class Main extends UserEditMainTab
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Registry $registry,
FormFactory $formFactory,
Session $authSession,
ListsInterface $localeLists,
array $data =
) {
parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data);

protected function _prepareForm()
/** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
$model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

/** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
$form = $this->_formFactory->create();

$baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information __ TEST')]);

if ($model->getUserId()) {
$baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
} else {
if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

'name' => 'user_image',
'label' => __('User Image'),
'id' => 'user_image',
'title' => __('User Image'),
'required' => false,
'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

'name' => 'username',
'label' => __('User Name'),
'id' => 'username',
'title' => __('User Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'firstname',
'label' => __('First Name'),
'id' => 'firstname',
'title' => __('First Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'lastname',
'label' => __('Last Name'),
'id' => 'lastname',
'title' => __('Last Name'),
'required' => true

'name' => 'email',
'label' => __('Email'),
'id' => 'customer_email',
'title' => __('User Email'),
'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
'required' => true

$isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
if ($isNewObject) {
$passwordLabel = __('Password');
} else {
$passwordLabel = __('New Password');
$confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
$this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

'name' => 'interface_locale',
'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
'values' => $this->_LocaleLists->getTranslatedOptionLocales(),
'class' => 'select'

if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
'name' => 'is_active',
'label' => __('This account is'),
'id' => 'is_active',
'title' => __('Account Status'),
'class' => 'input-select',
'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

$baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

$currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
'label' => __('Your Password'),
'title' => __('Your Password'),
'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
'required' => true

$data = $model->getData();


return parent::_prepareForm();

and some code for User.php

namespace Vendor_NameModule_NameBlockRoleGrid;

use MagentoUserBlockRoleGridUser as RoleGridUser;
use MagentoBackendBlockWidgetGridExtended as ExtendedGrid;

class User extends RoleGridUser
protected function _prepareColumns()

'header' => __('User Image'),
'width' => 5,
'align' => 'left',
'sortable' => true,
'index' => 'user_image'

return ExtendedGrid::_prepareCollection();

If you take a look closer you already now that I'm trying to add a field with user's image.

Unfortunately, I don't see any changes in admin front. Of course, needed column was added by InstallSchema script earlier to 'admin_user' table.

Contents of directories in a tree-like format:

├── Block
│   ├── Catalog
│   │   └── Product
│   │   └── RelatedPosts.php
│   ├── Role
│   │   └── Grid
│   │   └── User.php
│   └── User
│   └── Edit
│   └── Tab
│   └── Main.php
├── composer.json
├── etc
│   ├── di.xml
│   └── module.xml
├── Setup
   └── InstallSchema.php

What Did I do Wrong?

magento2 adminform custom-field magento-core

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited May 12 '17 at 12:16


asked May 12 '17 at 11:53




  • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
    – Great Indian Brain
    Jul 25 '17 at 10:58

  • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
    – Great Indian Brain
    Jul 25 '17 at 10:58

The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
– Great Indian Brain
Jul 25 '17 at 10:58

The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
– Great Indian Brain
Jul 25 '17 at 10:58

4 Answers





For adding image field, you can try using plugin and always try to avoid overwrite whole class.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<type name="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain">
<plugin name="sr_stackexchange_user_form" type="VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTabMain" sortOrder="1"/>


namespace VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTab;

class Main
* Get form HTML
* @return string
public function aroundGetFormHtml(
MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain $subject,
Closure $proceed
$form = $subject->getForm();
if (is_object($form)) {
$fieldset = $form->addFieldset('admin_user_image', ['legend' => __('User Image')]);
'name' => 'user_image',
'label' => __('Image'),
'id' => 'user_image',
'title' => __('Image'),
'required' => false,
'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'


return $proceed();

Clear cache.

share|improve this answer

  • Hey Sohel, thanks a lot for your response! It seems to be exact what I want to achieve :) I'll give you feedback as soon as I try this code locally. By the way, I saw that you create new fieldset and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to update already existing one, e.g. 'base_fieldset', what do you think? Also, I am curious, is this plugin approach cover updating controllers too? I need to update some thinks in future here: /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php - save string with image's path in 'admin_user' table. Sorry about many questions. appreciate your help! cheers!
    – Rob
    May 14 '17 at 18:29

  • Ok, it's possible to use plugin for a controller, but in my case that was not sufficient. Anyway, your suggestions help me to resolve a problem. Thank you once again!
    – Rob
    May 16 '17 at 5:58

  • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
    – Great Indian Brain
    Jul 25 '17 at 10:59

  • I would also be interested in how to save the value of a new field in admin user form to admin_user table. Did you solve it extending/overriding the /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php Controller?
    – hallleron
    Apr 24 '18 at 7:30

  • @Sohel Rana, selected field will not show where ? or how to we can get current user id here ?
    – SagarPPanchal
    Jun 29 '18 at 6:09


after some research got a solution for this

add new property "value" in addField method

with the value you need.
see the example:

'name' => 'user_image',
'label' => __('Image'),
'id' => 'user_image',
'title' => __('Image'),
'value' => $value_that_you_need,
'required' => false,
'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

I hope it will help some of you ..

share|improve this answer


    Replacing the statement

    return parent::_prepareForm();

    with this

    return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();

    worked for me. Here is the complete code. Adding the field "Accessible Store" as follow.

    * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
    * See COPYING.txt for license details.

    // @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

    namespace [vendor][module]BlockUserEditTab;

    use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager;
    use MagentoFrameworkLocaleOptionInterface;

    * Cms page edit form main tab
    * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.DepthOfInheritance)
    class Main extends MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain

    * @param MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context
    * @param MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry
    * @param MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory
    * @param MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession
    * @param MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists
    * @param array $data
    * @param OptionInterface $deployedLocales Operates with deployed locales.

    public function __construct(
    MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context,
    MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry,
    MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory,
    MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession,
    MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists,
    array $data = ,
    OptionInterface $deployedLocales = null
    ) {
    $this->deployedLocales = $deployedLocales
    ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(OptionInterface::class);
    parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data, $this->deployedLocales);

    * Prepare form fields
    * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
    * @return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetForm
    protected function _prepareForm()
    /** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
    $model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

    /** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
    $form = $this->_formFactory->create();

    $baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information')]);

    if ($model->getUserId()) {
    $baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
    } else {
    if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

    'name' => 'username',
    'label' => __('User Name'),
    'id' => 'username',
    'title' => __('User Name'),
    'required' => true

    'name' => 'firstname',
    'label' => __('First Name'),
    'id' => 'firstname',
    'title' => __('First Name'),
    'required' => true

    'name' => 'lastname',
    'label' => __('Last Name'),
    'id' => 'lastname',
    'title' => __('Last Name'),
    'required' => true

    // Adding new field for Scope Access
    'name' => 'accessible_store',
    'label' => __('Accessible Store'),
    'id' => 'accessible_store',
    'title' => __('Accessible Store'),
    'class' => 'input-select',
    'options' => ['3' => __('Global Store'),
    '1' => __('Malaysia Pavillion'),
    '2' => __('Thailand Pavilion')],
    'required' => true

    'name' => 'email',
    'label' => __('Email'),
    'id' => 'customer_email',
    'title' => __('User Email'),
    'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
    'required' => true

    $isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
    if ($isNewObject) {
    $passwordLabel = __('Password');
    } else {
    $passwordLabel = __('New Password');
    $confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
    $this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

    'name' => 'interface_locale',
    'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
    'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
    'values' => $this->deployedLocales->getOptionLocales(),
    'class' => 'select'

    if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
    'name' => 'is_active',
    'label' => __('This account is'),
    'id' => 'is_active',
    'title' => __('Account Status'),
    'class' => 'input-select',
    'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

    $baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

    $currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
    ['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
    'name' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
    'label' => __('Your Password'),
    'title' => __('Your Password'),
    'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
    'required' => true

    $data = $model->getData();


    //return parent::_prepareForm();
    return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();


    And thanks @Rob for sharing the clue where to start with.

    share|improve this answer


      I just did a minor change in your solution and it worked for me :

      class Main extends MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric
      //Copied All the code in --- MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain
      //added my own field in _prepareForm function


      If you want, I can post the whole solution -- but I have to revise it because as per my company norms I cannot show the code on public forums. So just let me know if you can do it yourself.

      share|improve this answer

        Your Answer

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        4 Answers




        4 Answers











        For adding image field, you can try using plugin and always try to avoid overwrite whole class.


        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <config xmlns:xsi=""
        <type name="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain">
        <plugin name="sr_stackexchange_user_form" type="VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTabMain" sortOrder="1"/>


        namespace VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTab;

        class Main
        * Get form HTML
        * @return string
        public function aroundGetFormHtml(
        MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain $subject,
        Closure $proceed
        $form = $subject->getForm();
        if (is_object($form)) {
        $fieldset = $form->addFieldset('admin_user_image', ['legend' => __('User Image')]);
        'name' => 'user_image',
        'label' => __('Image'),
        'id' => 'user_image',
        'title' => __('Image'),
        'required' => false,
        'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'


        return $proceed();

        Clear cache.

        share|improve this answer

        • Hey Sohel, thanks a lot for your response! It seems to be exact what I want to achieve :) I'll give you feedback as soon as I try this code locally. By the way, I saw that you create new fieldset and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to update already existing one, e.g. 'base_fieldset', what do you think? Also, I am curious, is this plugin approach cover updating controllers too? I need to update some thinks in future here: /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php - save string with image's path in 'admin_user' table. Sorry about many questions. appreciate your help! cheers!
          – Rob
          May 14 '17 at 18:29

        • Ok, it's possible to use plugin for a controller, but in my case that was not sufficient. Anyway, your suggestions help me to resolve a problem. Thank you once again!
          – Rob
          May 16 '17 at 5:58

        • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
          – Great Indian Brain
          Jul 25 '17 at 10:59

        • I would also be interested in how to save the value of a new field in admin user form to admin_user table. Did you solve it extending/overriding the /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php Controller?
          – hallleron
          Apr 24 '18 at 7:30

        • @Sohel Rana, selected field will not show where ? or how to we can get current user id here ?
          – SagarPPanchal
          Jun 29 '18 at 6:09


        For adding image field, you can try using plugin and always try to avoid overwrite whole class.


        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <config xmlns:xsi=""
        <type name="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain">
        <plugin name="sr_stackexchange_user_form" type="VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTabMain" sortOrder="1"/>


        namespace VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTab;

        class Main
        * Get form HTML
        * @return string
        public function aroundGetFormHtml(
        MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain $subject,
        Closure $proceed
        $form = $subject->getForm();
        if (is_object($form)) {
        $fieldset = $form->addFieldset('admin_user_image', ['legend' => __('User Image')]);
        'name' => 'user_image',
        'label' => __('Image'),
        'id' => 'user_image',
        'title' => __('Image'),
        'required' => false,
        'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'


        return $proceed();

        Clear cache.

        share|improve this answer

        • Hey Sohel, thanks a lot for your response! It seems to be exact what I want to achieve :) I'll give you feedback as soon as I try this code locally. By the way, I saw that you create new fieldset and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to update already existing one, e.g. 'base_fieldset', what do you think? Also, I am curious, is this plugin approach cover updating controllers too? I need to update some thinks in future here: /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php - save string with image's path in 'admin_user' table. Sorry about many questions. appreciate your help! cheers!
          – Rob
          May 14 '17 at 18:29

        • Ok, it's possible to use plugin for a controller, but in my case that was not sufficient. Anyway, your suggestions help me to resolve a problem. Thank you once again!
          – Rob
          May 16 '17 at 5:58

        • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
          – Great Indian Brain
          Jul 25 '17 at 10:59

        • I would also be interested in how to save the value of a new field in admin user form to admin_user table. Did you solve it extending/overriding the /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php Controller?
          – hallleron
          Apr 24 '18 at 7:30

        • @Sohel Rana, selected field will not show where ? or how to we can get current user id here ?
          – SagarPPanchal
          Jun 29 '18 at 6:09




        For adding image field, you can try using plugin and always try to avoid overwrite whole class.


        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <config xmlns:xsi=""
        <type name="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain">
        <plugin name="sr_stackexchange_user_form" type="VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTabMain" sortOrder="1"/>


        namespace VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTab;

        class Main
        * Get form HTML
        * @return string
        public function aroundGetFormHtml(
        MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain $subject,
        Closure $proceed
        $form = $subject->getForm();
        if (is_object($form)) {
        $fieldset = $form->addFieldset('admin_user_image', ['legend' => __('User Image')]);
        'name' => 'user_image',
        'label' => __('Image'),
        'id' => 'user_image',
        'title' => __('Image'),
        'required' => false,
        'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'


        return $proceed();

        Clear cache.

        share|improve this answer

        For adding image field, you can try using plugin and always try to avoid overwrite whole class.


        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <config xmlns:xsi=""
        <type name="MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain">
        <plugin name="sr_stackexchange_user_form" type="VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTabMain" sortOrder="1"/>


        namespace VendorModulePluginBlockAdminhtmlUserEditTab;

        class Main
        * Get form HTML
        * @return string
        public function aroundGetFormHtml(
        MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain $subject,
        Closure $proceed
        $form = $subject->getForm();
        if (is_object($form)) {
        $fieldset = $form->addFieldset('admin_user_image', ['legend' => __('User Image')]);
        'name' => 'user_image',
        'label' => __('Image'),
        'id' => 'user_image',
        'title' => __('Image'),
        'required' => false,
        'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'


        return $proceed();

        Clear cache.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered May 12 '17 at 15:07

        Sohel RanaSohel Rana



        • Hey Sohel, thanks a lot for your response! It seems to be exact what I want to achieve :) I'll give you feedback as soon as I try this code locally. By the way, I saw that you create new fieldset and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to update already existing one, e.g. 'base_fieldset', what do you think? Also, I am curious, is this plugin approach cover updating controllers too? I need to update some thinks in future here: /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php - save string with image's path in 'admin_user' table. Sorry about many questions. appreciate your help! cheers!
          – Rob
          May 14 '17 at 18:29

        • Ok, it's possible to use plugin for a controller, but in my case that was not sufficient. Anyway, your suggestions help me to resolve a problem. Thank you once again!
          – Rob
          May 16 '17 at 5:58

        • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
          – Great Indian Brain
          Jul 25 '17 at 10:59

        • I would also be interested in how to save the value of a new field in admin user form to admin_user table. Did you solve it extending/overriding the /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php Controller?
          – hallleron
          Apr 24 '18 at 7:30

        • @Sohel Rana, selected field will not show where ? or how to we can get current user id here ?
          – SagarPPanchal
          Jun 29 '18 at 6:09

        • Hey Sohel, thanks a lot for your response! It seems to be exact what I want to achieve :) I'll give you feedback as soon as I try this code locally. By the way, I saw that you create new fieldset and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to update already existing one, e.g. 'base_fieldset', what do you think? Also, I am curious, is this plugin approach cover updating controllers too? I need to update some thinks in future here: /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php - save string with image's path in 'admin_user' table. Sorry about many questions. appreciate your help! cheers!
          – Rob
          May 14 '17 at 18:29

        • Ok, it's possible to use plugin for a controller, but in my case that was not sufficient. Anyway, your suggestions help me to resolve a problem. Thank you once again!
          – Rob
          May 16 '17 at 5:58

        • The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
          – Great Indian Brain
          Jul 25 '17 at 10:59

        • I would also be interested in how to save the value of a new field in admin user form to admin_user table. Did you solve it extending/overriding the /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php Controller?
          – hallleron
          Apr 24 '18 at 7:30

        • @Sohel Rana, selected field will not show where ? or how to we can get current user id here ?
          – SagarPPanchal
          Jun 29 '18 at 6:09

        Hey Sohel, thanks a lot for your response! It seems to be exact what I want to achieve :) I'll give you feedback as soon as I try this code locally. By the way, I saw that you create new fieldset and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to update already existing one, e.g. 'base_fieldset', what do you think? Also, I am curious, is this plugin approach cover updating controllers too? I need to update some thinks in future here: /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php - save string with image's path in 'admin_user' table. Sorry about many questions. appreciate your help! cheers!
        – Rob
        May 14 '17 at 18:29

        Hey Sohel, thanks a lot for your response! It seems to be exact what I want to achieve :) I'll give you feedback as soon as I try this code locally. By the way, I saw that you create new fieldset and I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to update already existing one, e.g. 'base_fieldset', what do you think? Also, I am curious, is this plugin approach cover updating controllers too? I need to update some thinks in future here: /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php - save string with image's path in 'admin_user' table. Sorry about many questions. appreciate your help! cheers!
        – Rob
        May 14 '17 at 18:29

        Ok, it's possible to use plugin for a controller, but in my case that was not sufficient. Anyway, your suggestions help me to resolve a problem. Thank you once again!
        – Rob
        May 16 '17 at 5:58

        Ok, it's possible to use plugin for a controller, but in my case that was not sufficient. Anyway, your suggestions help me to resolve a problem. Thank you once again!
        – Rob
        May 16 '17 at 5:58

        The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
        – Great Indian Brain
        Jul 25 '17 at 10:59

        The above solution is great but the values are not set on the added there anything else we need to do on the same. We are basically overriding the Reviews form. Thanks in advance..
        – Great Indian Brain
        Jul 25 '17 at 10:59

        I would also be interested in how to save the value of a new field in admin user form to admin_user table. Did you solve it extending/overriding the /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php Controller?
        – hallleron
        Apr 24 '18 at 7:30

        I would also be interested in how to save the value of a new field in admin user form to admin_user table. Did you solve it extending/overriding the /module-user/Controller/Adminhtml/User/Save.php Controller?
        – hallleron
        Apr 24 '18 at 7:30

        @Sohel Rana, selected field will not show where ? or how to we can get current user id here ?
        – SagarPPanchal
        Jun 29 '18 at 6:09

        @Sohel Rana, selected field will not show where ? or how to we can get current user id here ?
        – SagarPPanchal
        Jun 29 '18 at 6:09


        after some research got a solution for this

        add new property "value" in addField method

        with the value you need.
        see the example:

        'name' => 'user_image',
        'label' => __('Image'),
        'id' => 'user_image',
        'title' => __('Image'),
        'value' => $value_that_you_need,
        'required' => false,
        'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

        I hope it will help some of you ..

        share|improve this answer


          after some research got a solution for this

          add new property "value" in addField method

          with the value you need.
          see the example:

          'name' => 'user_image',
          'label' => __('Image'),
          'id' => 'user_image',
          'title' => __('Image'),
          'value' => $value_that_you_need,
          'required' => false,
          'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

          I hope it will help some of you ..

          share|improve this answer




            after some research got a solution for this

            add new property "value" in addField method

            with the value you need.
            see the example:

            'name' => 'user_image',
            'label' => __('Image'),
            'id' => 'user_image',
            'title' => __('Image'),
            'value' => $value_that_you_need,
            'required' => false,
            'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

            I hope it will help some of you ..

            share|improve this answer

            after some research got a solution for this

            add new property "value" in addField method

            with the value you need.
            see the example:

            'name' => 'user_image',
            'label' => __('Image'),
            'id' => 'user_image',
            'title' => __('Image'),
            'value' => $value_that_you_need,
            'required' => false,
            'note' => 'Allow image type: jpg, jpeg, png'

            I hope it will help some of you ..

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited Oct 12 '17 at 9:58

            Manoj Deswal



            answered Oct 12 '17 at 9:47

            tal shulgintal shulgin




                Replacing the statement

                return parent::_prepareForm();

                with this

                return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();

                worked for me. Here is the complete code. Adding the field "Accessible Store" as follow.

                * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
                * See COPYING.txt for license details.

                // @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

                namespace [vendor][module]BlockUserEditTab;

                use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager;
                use MagentoFrameworkLocaleOptionInterface;

                * Cms page edit form main tab
                * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.DepthOfInheritance)
                class Main extends MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain

                * @param MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context
                * @param MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry
                * @param MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory
                * @param MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession
                * @param MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists
                * @param array $data
                * @param OptionInterface $deployedLocales Operates with deployed locales.

                public function __construct(
                MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context,
                MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry,
                MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory,
                MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession,
                MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists,
                array $data = ,
                OptionInterface $deployedLocales = null
                ) {
                $this->deployedLocales = $deployedLocales
                ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(OptionInterface::class);
                parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data, $this->deployedLocales);

                * Prepare form fields
                * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
                * @return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetForm
                protected function _prepareForm()
                /** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
                $model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

                /** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
                $form = $this->_formFactory->create();

                $baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information')]);

                if ($model->getUserId()) {
                $baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
                } else {
                if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

                'name' => 'username',
                'label' => __('User Name'),
                'id' => 'username',
                'title' => __('User Name'),
                'required' => true

                'name' => 'firstname',
                'label' => __('First Name'),
                'id' => 'firstname',
                'title' => __('First Name'),
                'required' => true

                'name' => 'lastname',
                'label' => __('Last Name'),
                'id' => 'lastname',
                'title' => __('Last Name'),
                'required' => true

                // Adding new field for Scope Access
                'name' => 'accessible_store',
                'label' => __('Accessible Store'),
                'id' => 'accessible_store',
                'title' => __('Accessible Store'),
                'class' => 'input-select',
                'options' => ['3' => __('Global Store'),
                '1' => __('Malaysia Pavillion'),
                '2' => __('Thailand Pavilion')],
                'required' => true

                'name' => 'email',
                'label' => __('Email'),
                'id' => 'customer_email',
                'title' => __('User Email'),
                'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
                'required' => true

                $isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
                if ($isNewObject) {
                $passwordLabel = __('Password');
                } else {
                $passwordLabel = __('New Password');
                $confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
                $this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

                'name' => 'interface_locale',
                'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
                'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
                'values' => $this->deployedLocales->getOptionLocales(),
                'class' => 'select'

                if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
                'name' => 'is_active',
                'label' => __('This account is'),
                'id' => 'is_active',
                'title' => __('Account Status'),
                'class' => 'input-select',
                'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

                $baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

                $currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
                ['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
                'name' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                'label' => __('Your Password'),
                'id' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                'title' => __('Your Password'),
                'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
                'required' => true

                $data = $model->getData();


                //return parent::_prepareForm();
                return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();


                And thanks @Rob for sharing the clue where to start with.

                share|improve this answer


                  Replacing the statement

                  return parent::_prepareForm();

                  with this

                  return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();

                  worked for me. Here is the complete code. Adding the field "Accessible Store" as follow.

                  * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
                  * See COPYING.txt for license details.

                  // @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

                  namespace [vendor][module]BlockUserEditTab;

                  use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager;
                  use MagentoFrameworkLocaleOptionInterface;

                  * Cms page edit form main tab
                  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.DepthOfInheritance)
                  class Main extends MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain

                  * @param MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context
                  * @param MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry
                  * @param MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory
                  * @param MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession
                  * @param MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists
                  * @param array $data
                  * @param OptionInterface $deployedLocales Operates with deployed locales.

                  public function __construct(
                  MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context,
                  MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry,
                  MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory,
                  MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession,
                  MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists,
                  array $data = ,
                  OptionInterface $deployedLocales = null
                  ) {
                  $this->deployedLocales = $deployedLocales
                  ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(OptionInterface::class);
                  parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data, $this->deployedLocales);

                  * Prepare form fields
                  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
                  * @return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetForm
                  protected function _prepareForm()
                  /** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
                  $model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

                  /** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
                  $form = $this->_formFactory->create();

                  $baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information')]);

                  if ($model->getUserId()) {
                  $baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
                  } else {
                  if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

                  'name' => 'username',
                  'label' => __('User Name'),
                  'id' => 'username',
                  'title' => __('User Name'),
                  'required' => true

                  'name' => 'firstname',
                  'label' => __('First Name'),
                  'id' => 'firstname',
                  'title' => __('First Name'),
                  'required' => true

                  'name' => 'lastname',
                  'label' => __('Last Name'),
                  'id' => 'lastname',
                  'title' => __('Last Name'),
                  'required' => true

                  // Adding new field for Scope Access
                  'name' => 'accessible_store',
                  'label' => __('Accessible Store'),
                  'id' => 'accessible_store',
                  'title' => __('Accessible Store'),
                  'class' => 'input-select',
                  'options' => ['3' => __('Global Store'),
                  '1' => __('Malaysia Pavillion'),
                  '2' => __('Thailand Pavilion')],
                  'required' => true

                  'name' => 'email',
                  'label' => __('Email'),
                  'id' => 'customer_email',
                  'title' => __('User Email'),
                  'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
                  'required' => true

                  $isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
                  if ($isNewObject) {
                  $passwordLabel = __('Password');
                  } else {
                  $passwordLabel = __('New Password');
                  $confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
                  $this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

                  'name' => 'interface_locale',
                  'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
                  'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
                  'values' => $this->deployedLocales->getOptionLocales(),
                  'class' => 'select'

                  if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
                  'name' => 'is_active',
                  'label' => __('This account is'),
                  'id' => 'is_active',
                  'title' => __('Account Status'),
                  'class' => 'input-select',
                  'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

                  $baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

                  $currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
                  ['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
                  'name' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                  'label' => __('Your Password'),
                  'id' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                  'title' => __('Your Password'),
                  'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
                  'required' => true

                  $data = $model->getData();


                  //return parent::_prepareForm();
                  return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();


                  And thanks @Rob for sharing the clue where to start with.

                  share|improve this answer




                    Replacing the statement

                    return parent::_prepareForm();

                    with this

                    return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();

                    worked for me. Here is the complete code. Adding the field "Accessible Store" as follow.

                    * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
                    * See COPYING.txt for license details.

                    // @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

                    namespace [vendor][module]BlockUserEditTab;

                    use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager;
                    use MagentoFrameworkLocaleOptionInterface;

                    * Cms page edit form main tab
                    * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.DepthOfInheritance)
                    class Main extends MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain

                    * @param MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context
                    * @param MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry
                    * @param MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory
                    * @param MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession
                    * @param MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists
                    * @param array $data
                    * @param OptionInterface $deployedLocales Operates with deployed locales.

                    public function __construct(
                    MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context,
                    MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry,
                    MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory,
                    MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession,
                    MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists,
                    array $data = ,
                    OptionInterface $deployedLocales = null
                    ) {
                    $this->deployedLocales = $deployedLocales
                    ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(OptionInterface::class);
                    parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data, $this->deployedLocales);

                    * Prepare form fields
                    * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
                    * @return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetForm
                    protected function _prepareForm()
                    /** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
                    $model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

                    /** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
                    $form = $this->_formFactory->create();

                    $baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information')]);

                    if ($model->getUserId()) {
                    $baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
                    } else {
                    if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

                    'name' => 'username',
                    'label' => __('User Name'),
                    'id' => 'username',
                    'title' => __('User Name'),
                    'required' => true

                    'name' => 'firstname',
                    'label' => __('First Name'),
                    'id' => 'firstname',
                    'title' => __('First Name'),
                    'required' => true

                    'name' => 'lastname',
                    'label' => __('Last Name'),
                    'id' => 'lastname',
                    'title' => __('Last Name'),
                    'required' => true

                    // Adding new field for Scope Access
                    'name' => 'accessible_store',
                    'label' => __('Accessible Store'),
                    'id' => 'accessible_store',
                    'title' => __('Accessible Store'),
                    'class' => 'input-select',
                    'options' => ['3' => __('Global Store'),
                    '1' => __('Malaysia Pavillion'),
                    '2' => __('Thailand Pavilion')],
                    'required' => true

                    'name' => 'email',
                    'label' => __('Email'),
                    'id' => 'customer_email',
                    'title' => __('User Email'),
                    'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
                    'required' => true

                    $isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
                    if ($isNewObject) {
                    $passwordLabel = __('Password');
                    } else {
                    $passwordLabel = __('New Password');
                    $confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
                    $this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

                    'name' => 'interface_locale',
                    'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
                    'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
                    'values' => $this->deployedLocales->getOptionLocales(),
                    'class' => 'select'

                    if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
                    'name' => 'is_active',
                    'label' => __('This account is'),
                    'id' => 'is_active',
                    'title' => __('Account Status'),
                    'class' => 'input-select',
                    'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

                    $baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

                    $currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
                    ['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
                    'name' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                    'label' => __('Your Password'),
                    'id' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                    'title' => __('Your Password'),
                    'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
                    'required' => true

                    $data = $model->getData();


                    //return parent::_prepareForm();
                    return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();


                    And thanks @Rob for sharing the clue where to start with.

                    share|improve this answer

                    Replacing the statement

                    return parent::_prepareForm();

                    with this

                    return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();

                    worked for me. Here is the complete code. Adding the field "Accessible Store" as follow.

                    * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
                    * See COPYING.txt for license details.

                    // @codingStandardsIgnoreFile

                    namespace [vendor][module]BlockUserEditTab;

                    use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager;
                    use MagentoFrameworkLocaleOptionInterface;

                    * Cms page edit form main tab
                    * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.DepthOfInheritance)
                    class Main extends MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain

                    * @param MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context
                    * @param MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry
                    * @param MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory
                    * @param MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession
                    * @param MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists
                    * @param array $data
                    * @param OptionInterface $deployedLocales Operates with deployed locales.

                    public function __construct(
                    MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext $context,
                    MagentoFrameworkRegistry $registry,
                    MagentoFrameworkDataFormFactory $formFactory,
                    MagentoBackendModelAuthSession $authSession,
                    MagentoFrameworkLocaleListsInterface $localeLists,
                    array $data = ,
                    OptionInterface $deployedLocales = null
                    ) {
                    $this->deployedLocales = $deployedLocales
                    ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(OptionInterface::class);
                    parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $authSession, $localeLists, $data, $this->deployedLocales);

                    * Prepare form fields
                    * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
                    * @return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetForm
                    protected function _prepareForm()
                    /** @var $model MagentoUserModelUser */
                    $model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('permissions_user');

                    /** @var MagentoFrameworkDataForm $form */
                    $form = $this->_formFactory->create();

                    $baseFieldset = $form->addFieldset('base_fieldset', ['legend' => __('Account Information')]);

                    if ($model->getUserId()) {
                    $baseFieldset->addField('user_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_id']);
                    } else {
                    if (!$model->hasData('is_active')) {

                    'name' => 'username',
                    'label' => __('User Name'),
                    'id' => 'username',
                    'title' => __('User Name'),
                    'required' => true

                    'name' => 'firstname',
                    'label' => __('First Name'),
                    'id' => 'firstname',
                    'title' => __('First Name'),
                    'required' => true

                    'name' => 'lastname',
                    'label' => __('Last Name'),
                    'id' => 'lastname',
                    'title' => __('Last Name'),
                    'required' => true

                    // Adding new field for Scope Access
                    'name' => 'accessible_store',
                    'label' => __('Accessible Store'),
                    'id' => 'accessible_store',
                    'title' => __('Accessible Store'),
                    'class' => 'input-select',
                    'options' => ['3' => __('Global Store'),
                    '1' => __('Malaysia Pavillion'),
                    '2' => __('Thailand Pavilion')],
                    'required' => true

                    'name' => 'email',
                    'label' => __('Email'),
                    'id' => 'customer_email',
                    'title' => __('User Email'),
                    'class' => 'required-entry validate-email',
                    'required' => true

                    $isNewObject = $model->isObjectNew();
                    if ($isNewObject) {
                    $passwordLabel = __('Password');
                    } else {
                    $passwordLabel = __('New Password');
                    $confirmationLabel = __('Password Confirmation');
                    $this->_addPasswordFields($baseFieldset, $passwordLabel, $confirmationLabel, $isNewObject);

                    'name' => 'interface_locale',
                    'label' => __('Interface Locale'),
                    'title' => __('Interface Locale'),
                    'values' => $this->deployedLocales->getOptionLocales(),
                    'class' => 'select'

                    if ($this->_authSession->getUser()->getId() != $model->getUserId()) {
                    'name' => 'is_active',
                    'label' => __('This account is'),
                    'id' => 'is_active',
                    'title' => __('Account Status'),
                    'class' => 'input-select',
                    'options' => ['1' => __('Active'), '0' => __('Inactive')]

                    $baseFieldset->addField('user_roles', 'hidden', ['name' => 'user_roles', 'id' => '_user_roles']);

                    $currentUserVerificationFieldset = $form->addFieldset(
                    ['legend' => __('Current User Identity Verification')]
                    'name' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                    'label' => __('Your Password'),
                    'id' => self::CURRENT_USER_PASSWORD_FIELD,
                    'title' => __('Your Password'),
                    'class' => 'input-text validate-current-password required-entry',
                    'required' => true

                    $data = $model->getData();


                    //return parent::_prepareForm();
                    return MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric::_prepareForm();


                    And thanks @Rob for sharing the clue where to start with.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered yesterday





                        I just did a minor change in your solution and it worked for me :

                        class Main extends MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric
                        //Copied All the code in --- MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain
                        //added my own field in _prepareForm function


                        If you want, I can post the whole solution -- but I have to revise it because as per my company norms I cannot show the code on public forums. So just let me know if you can do it yourself.

                        share|improve this answer


                          I just did a minor change in your solution and it worked for me :

                          class Main extends MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric
                          //Copied All the code in --- MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain
                          //added my own field in _prepareForm function


                          If you want, I can post the whole solution -- but I have to revise it because as per my company norms I cannot show the code on public forums. So just let me know if you can do it yourself.

                          share|improve this answer




                            I just did a minor change in your solution and it worked for me :

                            class Main extends MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric
                            //Copied All the code in --- MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain
                            //added my own field in _prepareForm function


                            If you want, I can post the whole solution -- but I have to revise it because as per my company norms I cannot show the code on public forums. So just let me know if you can do it yourself.

                            share|improve this answer

                            I just did a minor change in your solution and it worked for me :

                            class Main extends MagentoBackendBlockWidgetFormGeneric
                            //Copied All the code in --- MagentoUserBlockUserEditTabMain
                            //added my own field in _prepareForm function


                            If you want, I can post the whole solution -- but I have to revise it because as per my company norms I cannot show the code on public forums. So just let me know if you can do it yourself.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Aug 17 '18 at 12:49

                            Abid MalikAbid Malik



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