Three Coupled PDE. Is my approach in the right way?
I have the following three PDEs
frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} + beta_h (theta_h - theta_w) &=& 0,\
frac{partial theta_c}{partial y} + beta_c (theta_c - theta_w) &=& 0,\
lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} - Vfrac{partial theta_c}{partial y} &=& 0
From the first and second equation i expressed $frac{partial theta_h}{partial x}$ and $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$ in terms of $theta_w$. Then i substituted these in the third equation to yield
$$lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - (beta_h+Vbeta_c)theta_w+(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c) = 0$$
The third PDE turns out to be a second order linear Elliptic PDE as $lambda_h$,$lambda_c$ and $V$ are all positive constants. I have reached a canonical form for this second order PDE. This PDE is defined on a rectangle with Neumann conditions. I plan to do the following next;
- Calculate $theta_w(x,y)$ from the second order PDE.
- Plug them in
the first two to obtain $theta_h$ and $theta_c$
Am i following a correct approach or is there any subtlety i am over-looking ?
The boundary conditions for the problem are as follows:
The PDE needs to be solved on a rectangular region where $x$ varies between $0$ to $1$ and $y$ varies between $0$ to $1$.
$$frac{partial theta_w(0,y)}{partial x}=frac{partial theta_w(1,y)}{partial x}=0 $$
$$frac{partial theta_w(x,0)}{partial y}=frac{partial theta_w(x,1)}{partial y}=0 $$
$$theta_h(0,y)=1 $$$$theta_c(x,0)=0$$
After the suggestions from @Christoph here i have the following two linear third order differential equations:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
Both these ODEs now need to be converted to individual Boundary value problems using the BC(s). On substituting
$$theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} F(x) e^{-beta_c y} G(y)$$ into the give BC(s), i arrive at the following
Following this (keeping in mind that exponential cannot attain a 0 value), i arrive at the following simplifications:
The ODEs are of third order and although i have six BC(s), on decoupling the BC(s) i get just 5. Am i misunderstanding something or is there some other way ?
Attempt 2
As @Christoph advised I made the following changes:
and the ansatz
$$theta_w(x,y)=e^{-beta_hx}f(x)e^{-beta_cy}g(y)$$ such that $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$
The third order linear DEs we arrive at still remain the same.
For figuring out the b.c.(s), the ansatz became:
But the boundary conditions now take the following form
For $F$:
For $G$:
Now i have three b.c. (s) for each boundary value problem viz. $F$ and $G$.
Each BVP (one each of $F$ and $G$) now involve one Dirichlet and two Robin type b.c.
pde eigenvalues-eigenvectors elliptic-equations linear-pde
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I have the following three PDEs
frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} + beta_h (theta_h - theta_w) &=& 0,\
frac{partial theta_c}{partial y} + beta_c (theta_c - theta_w) &=& 0,\
lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} - Vfrac{partial theta_c}{partial y} &=& 0
From the first and second equation i expressed $frac{partial theta_h}{partial x}$ and $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$ in terms of $theta_w$. Then i substituted these in the third equation to yield
$$lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - (beta_h+Vbeta_c)theta_w+(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c) = 0$$
The third PDE turns out to be a second order linear Elliptic PDE as $lambda_h$,$lambda_c$ and $V$ are all positive constants. I have reached a canonical form for this second order PDE. This PDE is defined on a rectangle with Neumann conditions. I plan to do the following next;
- Calculate $theta_w(x,y)$ from the second order PDE.
- Plug them in
the first two to obtain $theta_h$ and $theta_c$
Am i following a correct approach or is there any subtlety i am over-looking ?
The boundary conditions for the problem are as follows:
The PDE needs to be solved on a rectangular region where $x$ varies between $0$ to $1$ and $y$ varies between $0$ to $1$.
$$frac{partial theta_w(0,y)}{partial x}=frac{partial theta_w(1,y)}{partial x}=0 $$
$$frac{partial theta_w(x,0)}{partial y}=frac{partial theta_w(x,1)}{partial y}=0 $$
$$theta_h(0,y)=1 $$$$theta_c(x,0)=0$$
After the suggestions from @Christoph here i have the following two linear third order differential equations:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
Both these ODEs now need to be converted to individual Boundary value problems using the BC(s). On substituting
$$theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} F(x) e^{-beta_c y} G(y)$$ into the give BC(s), i arrive at the following
Following this (keeping in mind that exponential cannot attain a 0 value), i arrive at the following simplifications:
The ODEs are of third order and although i have six BC(s), on decoupling the BC(s) i get just 5. Am i misunderstanding something or is there some other way ?
Attempt 2
As @Christoph advised I made the following changes:
and the ansatz
$$theta_w(x,y)=e^{-beta_hx}f(x)e^{-beta_cy}g(y)$$ such that $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$
The third order linear DEs we arrive at still remain the same.
For figuring out the b.c.(s), the ansatz became:
But the boundary conditions now take the following form
For $F$:
For $G$:
Now i have three b.c. (s) for each boundary value problem viz. $F$ and $G$.
Each BVP (one each of $F$ and $G$) now involve one Dirichlet and two Robin type b.c.
pde eigenvalues-eigenvectors elliptic-equations linear-pde
But you still have the unknown functions $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ in your PDE after this substitution?!
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:38
Also, there should be a factor $V$ in front of $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$.
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:43
@Christoph Made the edit, you were right about the $V$. Can't $(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c)$ be together considered a variable say $k$ which would be a function of $x$ and $y$ . And a second order linear PDE requires the coefficients to be the functions of the independent variables $x$ and $y$.
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:48
@Christoph. Any suggestion on how tot tackle the problem if what i was thinking is wrong
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:50
It is correct to have 5 boundary conditions. As the scale of $F$ and $G$ is free for a homogeneous equation, fixing the scales adds two additional equations, making 7 conditions for a state of 6 function values and derivatives plus one parameter $mu$. // In the second approach either one of the cited BC is redundant or there is some other error, as 8 equations for 7 variables is usually not solvable.
– LutzL
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I have the following three PDEs
frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} + beta_h (theta_h - theta_w) &=& 0,\
frac{partial theta_c}{partial y} + beta_c (theta_c - theta_w) &=& 0,\
lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} - Vfrac{partial theta_c}{partial y} &=& 0
From the first and second equation i expressed $frac{partial theta_h}{partial x}$ and $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$ in terms of $theta_w$. Then i substituted these in the third equation to yield
$$lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - (beta_h+Vbeta_c)theta_w+(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c) = 0$$
The third PDE turns out to be a second order linear Elliptic PDE as $lambda_h$,$lambda_c$ and $V$ are all positive constants. I have reached a canonical form for this second order PDE. This PDE is defined on a rectangle with Neumann conditions. I plan to do the following next;
- Calculate $theta_w(x,y)$ from the second order PDE.
- Plug them in
the first two to obtain $theta_h$ and $theta_c$
Am i following a correct approach or is there any subtlety i am over-looking ?
The boundary conditions for the problem are as follows:
The PDE needs to be solved on a rectangular region where $x$ varies between $0$ to $1$ and $y$ varies between $0$ to $1$.
$$frac{partial theta_w(0,y)}{partial x}=frac{partial theta_w(1,y)}{partial x}=0 $$
$$frac{partial theta_w(x,0)}{partial y}=frac{partial theta_w(x,1)}{partial y}=0 $$
$$theta_h(0,y)=1 $$$$theta_c(x,0)=0$$
After the suggestions from @Christoph here i have the following two linear third order differential equations:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
Both these ODEs now need to be converted to individual Boundary value problems using the BC(s). On substituting
$$theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} F(x) e^{-beta_c y} G(y)$$ into the give BC(s), i arrive at the following
Following this (keeping in mind that exponential cannot attain a 0 value), i arrive at the following simplifications:
The ODEs are of third order and although i have six BC(s), on decoupling the BC(s) i get just 5. Am i misunderstanding something or is there some other way ?
Attempt 2
As @Christoph advised I made the following changes:
and the ansatz
$$theta_w(x,y)=e^{-beta_hx}f(x)e^{-beta_cy}g(y)$$ such that $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$
The third order linear DEs we arrive at still remain the same.
For figuring out the b.c.(s), the ansatz became:
But the boundary conditions now take the following form
For $F$:
For $G$:
Now i have three b.c. (s) for each boundary value problem viz. $F$ and $G$.
Each BVP (one each of $F$ and $G$) now involve one Dirichlet and two Robin type b.c.
pde eigenvalues-eigenvectors elliptic-equations linear-pde
I have the following three PDEs
frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} + beta_h (theta_h - theta_w) &=& 0,\
frac{partial theta_c}{partial y} + beta_c (theta_c - theta_w) &=& 0,\
lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - frac{partial theta_h}{partial x} - Vfrac{partial theta_c}{partial y} &=& 0
From the first and second equation i expressed $frac{partial theta_h}{partial x}$ and $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$ in terms of $theta_w$. Then i substituted these in the third equation to yield
$$lambda_h frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} + lambda_c V frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - (beta_h+Vbeta_c)theta_w+(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c) = 0$$
The third PDE turns out to be a second order linear Elliptic PDE as $lambda_h$,$lambda_c$ and $V$ are all positive constants. I have reached a canonical form for this second order PDE. This PDE is defined on a rectangle with Neumann conditions. I plan to do the following next;
- Calculate $theta_w(x,y)$ from the second order PDE.
- Plug them in
the first two to obtain $theta_h$ and $theta_c$
Am i following a correct approach or is there any subtlety i am over-looking ?
The boundary conditions for the problem are as follows:
The PDE needs to be solved on a rectangular region where $x$ varies between $0$ to $1$ and $y$ varies between $0$ to $1$.
$$frac{partial theta_w(0,y)}{partial x}=frac{partial theta_w(1,y)}{partial x}=0 $$
$$frac{partial theta_w(x,0)}{partial y}=frac{partial theta_w(x,1)}{partial y}=0 $$
$$theta_h(0,y)=1 $$$$theta_c(x,0)=0$$
After the suggestions from @Christoph here i have the following two linear third order differential equations:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
Both these ODEs now need to be converted to individual Boundary value problems using the BC(s). On substituting
$$theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} F(x) e^{-beta_c y} G(y)$$ into the give BC(s), i arrive at the following
Following this (keeping in mind that exponential cannot attain a 0 value), i arrive at the following simplifications:
The ODEs are of third order and although i have six BC(s), on decoupling the BC(s) i get just 5. Am i misunderstanding something or is there some other way ?
Attempt 2
As @Christoph advised I made the following changes:
and the ansatz
$$theta_w(x,y)=e^{-beta_hx}f(x)e^{-beta_cy}g(y)$$ such that $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$
The third order linear DEs we arrive at still remain the same.
For figuring out the b.c.(s), the ansatz became:
But the boundary conditions now take the following form
For $F$:
For $G$:
Now i have three b.c. (s) for each boundary value problem viz. $F$ and $G$.
Each BVP (one each of $F$ and $G$) now involve one Dirichlet and two Robin type b.c.
pde eigenvalues-eigenvectors elliptic-equations linear-pde
pde eigenvalues-eigenvectors elliptic-equations linear-pde
edited Jan 11 at 3:44
Indrasis Mitra
asked Jan 8 at 16:16


Indrasis MitraIndrasis Mitra
But you still have the unknown functions $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ in your PDE after this substitution?!
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:38
Also, there should be a factor $V$ in front of $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$.
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:43
@Christoph Made the edit, you were right about the $V$. Can't $(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c)$ be together considered a variable say $k$ which would be a function of $x$ and $y$ . And a second order linear PDE requires the coefficients to be the functions of the independent variables $x$ and $y$.
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:48
@Christoph. Any suggestion on how tot tackle the problem if what i was thinking is wrong
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:50
It is correct to have 5 boundary conditions. As the scale of $F$ and $G$ is free for a homogeneous equation, fixing the scales adds two additional equations, making 7 conditions for a state of 6 function values and derivatives plus one parameter $mu$. // In the second approach either one of the cited BC is redundant or there is some other error, as 8 equations for 7 variables is usually not solvable.
– LutzL
show 3 more comments
But you still have the unknown functions $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ in your PDE after this substitution?!
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:38
Also, there should be a factor $V$ in front of $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$.
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:43
@Christoph Made the edit, you were right about the $V$. Can't $(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c)$ be together considered a variable say $k$ which would be a function of $x$ and $y$ . And a second order linear PDE requires the coefficients to be the functions of the independent variables $x$ and $y$.
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:48
@Christoph. Any suggestion on how tot tackle the problem if what i was thinking is wrong
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:50
It is correct to have 5 boundary conditions. As the scale of $F$ and $G$ is free for a homogeneous equation, fixing the scales adds two additional equations, making 7 conditions for a state of 6 function values and derivatives plus one parameter $mu$. // In the second approach either one of the cited BC is redundant or there is some other error, as 8 equations for 7 variables is usually not solvable.
– LutzL
But you still have the unknown functions $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ in your PDE after this substitution?!
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:38
But you still have the unknown functions $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ in your PDE after this substitution?!
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:38
Also, there should be a factor $V$ in front of $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$.
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:43
Also, there should be a factor $V$ in front of $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$.
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:43
@Christoph Made the edit, you were right about the $V$. Can't $(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c)$ be together considered a variable say $k$ which would be a function of $x$ and $y$ . And a second order linear PDE requires the coefficients to be the functions of the independent variables $x$ and $y$.
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:48
@Christoph Made the edit, you were right about the $V$. Can't $(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c)$ be together considered a variable say $k$ which would be a function of $x$ and $y$ . And a second order linear PDE requires the coefficients to be the functions of the independent variables $x$ and $y$.
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:48
@Christoph. Any suggestion on how tot tackle the problem if what i was thinking is wrong
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:50
@Christoph. Any suggestion on how tot tackle the problem if what i was thinking is wrong
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:50
It is correct to have 5 boundary conditions. As the scale of $F$ and $G$ is free for a homogeneous equation, fixing the scales adds two additional equations, making 7 conditions for a state of 6 function values and derivatives plus one parameter $mu$. // In the second approach either one of the cited BC is redundant or there is some other error, as 8 equations for 7 variables is usually not solvable.
– LutzL
It is correct to have 5 boundary conditions. As the scale of $F$ and $G$ is free for a homogeneous equation, fixing the scales adds two additional equations, making 7 conditions for a state of 6 function values and derivatives plus one parameter $mu$. // In the second approach either one of the cited BC is redundant or there is some other error, as 8 equations for 7 variables is usually not solvable.
– LutzL
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1 Answer
Here are a few hints:
Solve the two first-order PDEs for $theta_h, theta_c$ as functions of $theta_w$:
theta_h(x,y) &=& beta_h e^{-beta_h x} int e^{beta_h x} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}x,\
theta_c(x,y) &=& beta_c e^{-beta_c y} int e^{beta_c y} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}y.
end{eqnarray}Eliminate $theta_h, theta_c$ in the second-order PDE to obtain the following equation for $theta_w$:
0 &=& e^{-beta_h x} left( lambda_h e^{beta_h x} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} - beta_h e^{beta_h x} theta_w + beta_h^2 int e^{beta_h x} theta_w , mathrm{d}x right) +\
&& + V e^{-beta_c y} left( lambda_c e^{beta_c y} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - beta_c e^{beta_c y} theta_w + beta_c^2 int e^{beta_c y} theta_w , mathrm{d}y right).
end{eqnarray}Use separation of variables with the ansatz $theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} f(x) e^{-beta_c y} g(y)$. You should obtain two linear third-order ODEs with constant coefficients for $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
with some separation constant $mu in mathbb{R}$.From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ you should obtain conditions on $F$, $G$. Once the BVPs with the third-order ODEs are solved, compute $f equiv F'$, $g equiv G'$.
Thanks a lot for this guidance. I am trying to reproduce your steps. While substituting the ansatz for $theta_w$ in the PDE of the 2nd step i am encountering a term $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$. Is this term responsible for producing the third order $F^{'''}$ term ? Is it some obvious thing i am missing ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:38
To rephrase my concern, Since $F$ is a guessed function how are we supposed to write $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$ ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:45
Yes, the last two equations in my answer were obtained by taking one more derivative in order to remove the antiderivatives of $F$ and $G$. Therefore, the third derivatives appear.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 5:05
This was really helpful. So now the two linear third order ODEs must be solved separately to get $F$ and $G$ which will give a complete $theta_w$. And then $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ could be determined from their individual relations. My only point of doubt is now the separation variable $mu$. Will that come out from the boundary conditions on the two ODEs?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 12:33
Yes, that's correct. From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ on the four faces of the rectangular domain you should obtain boundary conditions for $F$ and $G$. The boundary-value problems (BVPs) for $F$ and $G$ should have solutions only for a discrete set of values $mu_n$, $n in mathbb{N}$. For each of these values you might find solutions $F_n(x)$ and $G_n(y)$ of the BVPs, which you can finally add up to obtain a series representation $theta_w(x,y) = sum_n c_n e^{-beta_h x} F_n(x) e^{-beta_c y} G_n(y)$, with some coefficients $c_n in mathbb{R}$.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 13:50
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1 Answer
1 Answer
Here are a few hints:
Solve the two first-order PDEs for $theta_h, theta_c$ as functions of $theta_w$:
theta_h(x,y) &=& beta_h e^{-beta_h x} int e^{beta_h x} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}x,\
theta_c(x,y) &=& beta_c e^{-beta_c y} int e^{beta_c y} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}y.
end{eqnarray}Eliminate $theta_h, theta_c$ in the second-order PDE to obtain the following equation for $theta_w$:
0 &=& e^{-beta_h x} left( lambda_h e^{beta_h x} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} - beta_h e^{beta_h x} theta_w + beta_h^2 int e^{beta_h x} theta_w , mathrm{d}x right) +\
&& + V e^{-beta_c y} left( lambda_c e^{beta_c y} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - beta_c e^{beta_c y} theta_w + beta_c^2 int e^{beta_c y} theta_w , mathrm{d}y right).
end{eqnarray}Use separation of variables with the ansatz $theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} f(x) e^{-beta_c y} g(y)$. You should obtain two linear third-order ODEs with constant coefficients for $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
with some separation constant $mu in mathbb{R}$.From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ you should obtain conditions on $F$, $G$. Once the BVPs with the third-order ODEs are solved, compute $f equiv F'$, $g equiv G'$.
Thanks a lot for this guidance. I am trying to reproduce your steps. While substituting the ansatz for $theta_w$ in the PDE of the 2nd step i am encountering a term $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$. Is this term responsible for producing the third order $F^{'''}$ term ? Is it some obvious thing i am missing ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:38
To rephrase my concern, Since $F$ is a guessed function how are we supposed to write $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$ ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:45
Yes, the last two equations in my answer were obtained by taking one more derivative in order to remove the antiderivatives of $F$ and $G$. Therefore, the third derivatives appear.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 5:05
This was really helpful. So now the two linear third order ODEs must be solved separately to get $F$ and $G$ which will give a complete $theta_w$. And then $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ could be determined from their individual relations. My only point of doubt is now the separation variable $mu$. Will that come out from the boundary conditions on the two ODEs?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 12:33
Yes, that's correct. From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ on the four faces of the rectangular domain you should obtain boundary conditions for $F$ and $G$. The boundary-value problems (BVPs) for $F$ and $G$ should have solutions only for a discrete set of values $mu_n$, $n in mathbb{N}$. For each of these values you might find solutions $F_n(x)$ and $G_n(y)$ of the BVPs, which you can finally add up to obtain a series representation $theta_w(x,y) = sum_n c_n e^{-beta_h x} F_n(x) e^{-beta_c y} G_n(y)$, with some coefficients $c_n in mathbb{R}$.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 13:50
show 14 more comments
Here are a few hints:
Solve the two first-order PDEs for $theta_h, theta_c$ as functions of $theta_w$:
theta_h(x,y) &=& beta_h e^{-beta_h x} int e^{beta_h x} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}x,\
theta_c(x,y) &=& beta_c e^{-beta_c y} int e^{beta_c y} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}y.
end{eqnarray}Eliminate $theta_h, theta_c$ in the second-order PDE to obtain the following equation for $theta_w$:
0 &=& e^{-beta_h x} left( lambda_h e^{beta_h x} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} - beta_h e^{beta_h x} theta_w + beta_h^2 int e^{beta_h x} theta_w , mathrm{d}x right) +\
&& + V e^{-beta_c y} left( lambda_c e^{beta_c y} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - beta_c e^{beta_c y} theta_w + beta_c^2 int e^{beta_c y} theta_w , mathrm{d}y right).
end{eqnarray}Use separation of variables with the ansatz $theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} f(x) e^{-beta_c y} g(y)$. You should obtain two linear third-order ODEs with constant coefficients for $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
with some separation constant $mu in mathbb{R}$.From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ you should obtain conditions on $F$, $G$. Once the BVPs with the third-order ODEs are solved, compute $f equiv F'$, $g equiv G'$.
Thanks a lot for this guidance. I am trying to reproduce your steps. While substituting the ansatz for $theta_w$ in the PDE of the 2nd step i am encountering a term $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$. Is this term responsible for producing the third order $F^{'''}$ term ? Is it some obvious thing i am missing ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:38
To rephrase my concern, Since $F$ is a guessed function how are we supposed to write $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$ ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:45
Yes, the last two equations in my answer were obtained by taking one more derivative in order to remove the antiderivatives of $F$ and $G$. Therefore, the third derivatives appear.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 5:05
This was really helpful. So now the two linear third order ODEs must be solved separately to get $F$ and $G$ which will give a complete $theta_w$. And then $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ could be determined from their individual relations. My only point of doubt is now the separation variable $mu$. Will that come out from the boundary conditions on the two ODEs?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 12:33
Yes, that's correct. From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ on the four faces of the rectangular domain you should obtain boundary conditions for $F$ and $G$. The boundary-value problems (BVPs) for $F$ and $G$ should have solutions only for a discrete set of values $mu_n$, $n in mathbb{N}$. For each of these values you might find solutions $F_n(x)$ and $G_n(y)$ of the BVPs, which you can finally add up to obtain a series representation $theta_w(x,y) = sum_n c_n e^{-beta_h x} F_n(x) e^{-beta_c y} G_n(y)$, with some coefficients $c_n in mathbb{R}$.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 13:50
show 14 more comments
Here are a few hints:
Solve the two first-order PDEs for $theta_h, theta_c$ as functions of $theta_w$:
theta_h(x,y) &=& beta_h e^{-beta_h x} int e^{beta_h x} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}x,\
theta_c(x,y) &=& beta_c e^{-beta_c y} int e^{beta_c y} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}y.
end{eqnarray}Eliminate $theta_h, theta_c$ in the second-order PDE to obtain the following equation for $theta_w$:
0 &=& e^{-beta_h x} left( lambda_h e^{beta_h x} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} - beta_h e^{beta_h x} theta_w + beta_h^2 int e^{beta_h x} theta_w , mathrm{d}x right) +\
&& + V e^{-beta_c y} left( lambda_c e^{beta_c y} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - beta_c e^{beta_c y} theta_w + beta_c^2 int e^{beta_c y} theta_w , mathrm{d}y right).
end{eqnarray}Use separation of variables with the ansatz $theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} f(x) e^{-beta_c y} g(y)$. You should obtain two linear third-order ODEs with constant coefficients for $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
with some separation constant $mu in mathbb{R}$.From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ you should obtain conditions on $F$, $G$. Once the BVPs with the third-order ODEs are solved, compute $f equiv F'$, $g equiv G'$.
Here are a few hints:
Solve the two first-order PDEs for $theta_h, theta_c$ as functions of $theta_w$:
theta_h(x,y) &=& beta_h e^{-beta_h x} int e^{beta_h x} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}x,\
theta_c(x,y) &=& beta_c e^{-beta_c y} int e^{beta_c y} theta_w(x,y) , mathrm{d}y.
end{eqnarray}Eliminate $theta_h, theta_c$ in the second-order PDE to obtain the following equation for $theta_w$:
0 &=& e^{-beta_h x} left( lambda_h e^{beta_h x} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial x^2} - beta_h e^{beta_h x} theta_w + beta_h^2 int e^{beta_h x} theta_w , mathrm{d}x right) +\
&& + V e^{-beta_c y} left( lambda_c e^{beta_c y} frac{partial^2 theta_w}{partial y^2} - beta_c e^{beta_c y} theta_w + beta_c^2 int e^{beta_c y} theta_w , mathrm{d}y right).
end{eqnarray}Use separation of variables with the ansatz $theta_w(x,y) = e^{-beta_h x} f(x) e^{-beta_c y} g(y)$. You should obtain two linear third-order ODEs with constant coefficients for $F(x) := int f(x) , mathrm{d}x$ and $G(y) := int g(y) , mathrm{d}y$:
lambda_h F''' - 2 lambda_h beta_h F'' + left( (lambda_h beta_h - 1) beta_h - mu right) F' + beta_h^2 F &=& 0,\
V lambda_c G''' - 2 V lambda_c beta_c G'' + left( (lambda_c beta_c - 1) V beta_c + mu right) G' + V beta_c^2 G &=& 0,
with some separation constant $mu in mathbb{R}$.From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ you should obtain conditions on $F$, $G$. Once the BVPs with the third-order ODEs are solved, compute $f equiv F'$, $g equiv G'$.
edited Jan 10 at 16:02
answered Jan 8 at 22:22
Thanks a lot for this guidance. I am trying to reproduce your steps. While substituting the ansatz for $theta_w$ in the PDE of the 2nd step i am encountering a term $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$. Is this term responsible for producing the third order $F^{'''}$ term ? Is it some obvious thing i am missing ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:38
To rephrase my concern, Since $F$ is a guessed function how are we supposed to write $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$ ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:45
Yes, the last two equations in my answer were obtained by taking one more derivative in order to remove the antiderivatives of $F$ and $G$. Therefore, the third derivatives appear.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 5:05
This was really helpful. So now the two linear third order ODEs must be solved separately to get $F$ and $G$ which will give a complete $theta_w$. And then $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ could be determined from their individual relations. My only point of doubt is now the separation variable $mu$. Will that come out from the boundary conditions on the two ODEs?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 12:33
Yes, that's correct. From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ on the four faces of the rectangular domain you should obtain boundary conditions for $F$ and $G$. The boundary-value problems (BVPs) for $F$ and $G$ should have solutions only for a discrete set of values $mu_n$, $n in mathbb{N}$. For each of these values you might find solutions $F_n(x)$ and $G_n(y)$ of the BVPs, which you can finally add up to obtain a series representation $theta_w(x,y) = sum_n c_n e^{-beta_h x} F_n(x) e^{-beta_c y} G_n(y)$, with some coefficients $c_n in mathbb{R}$.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 13:50
show 14 more comments
Thanks a lot for this guidance. I am trying to reproduce your steps. While substituting the ansatz for $theta_w$ in the PDE of the 2nd step i am encountering a term $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$. Is this term responsible for producing the third order $F^{'''}$ term ? Is it some obvious thing i am missing ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:38
To rephrase my concern, Since $F$ is a guessed function how are we supposed to write $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$ ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:45
Yes, the last two equations in my answer were obtained by taking one more derivative in order to remove the antiderivatives of $F$ and $G$. Therefore, the third derivatives appear.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 5:05
This was really helpful. So now the two linear third order ODEs must be solved separately to get $F$ and $G$ which will give a complete $theta_w$. And then $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ could be determined from their individual relations. My only point of doubt is now the separation variable $mu$. Will that come out from the boundary conditions on the two ODEs?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 12:33
Yes, that's correct. From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ on the four faces of the rectangular domain you should obtain boundary conditions for $F$ and $G$. The boundary-value problems (BVPs) for $F$ and $G$ should have solutions only for a discrete set of values $mu_n$, $n in mathbb{N}$. For each of these values you might find solutions $F_n(x)$ and $G_n(y)$ of the BVPs, which you can finally add up to obtain a series representation $theta_w(x,y) = sum_n c_n e^{-beta_h x} F_n(x) e^{-beta_c y} G_n(y)$, with some coefficients $c_n in mathbb{R}$.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 13:50
Thanks a lot for this guidance. I am trying to reproduce your steps. While substituting the ansatz for $theta_w$ in the PDE of the 2nd step i am encountering a term $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$. Is this term responsible for producing the third order $F^{'''}$ term ? Is it some obvious thing i am missing ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:38
Thanks a lot for this guidance. I am trying to reproduce your steps. While substituting the ansatz for $theta_w$ in the PDE of the 2nd step i am encountering a term $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$. Is this term responsible for producing the third order $F^{'''}$ term ? Is it some obvious thing i am missing ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:38
To rephrase my concern, Since $F$ is a guessed function how are we supposed to write $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$ ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:45
To rephrase my concern, Since $F$ is a guessed function how are we supposed to write $int F(x) mathrm{d}x$ ?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 4:45
Yes, the last two equations in my answer were obtained by taking one more derivative in order to remove the antiderivatives of $F$ and $G$. Therefore, the third derivatives appear.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 5:05
Yes, the last two equations in my answer were obtained by taking one more derivative in order to remove the antiderivatives of $F$ and $G$. Therefore, the third derivatives appear.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 5:05
This was really helpful. So now the two linear third order ODEs must be solved separately to get $F$ and $G$ which will give a complete $theta_w$. And then $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ could be determined from their individual relations. My only point of doubt is now the separation variable $mu$. Will that come out from the boundary conditions on the two ODEs?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 12:33
This was really helpful. So now the two linear third order ODEs must be solved separately to get $F$ and $G$ which will give a complete $theta_w$. And then $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ could be determined from their individual relations. My only point of doubt is now the separation variable $mu$. Will that come out from the boundary conditions on the two ODEs?
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 9 at 12:33
Yes, that's correct. From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ on the four faces of the rectangular domain you should obtain boundary conditions for $F$ and $G$. The boundary-value problems (BVPs) for $F$ and $G$ should have solutions only for a discrete set of values $mu_n$, $n in mathbb{N}$. For each of these values you might find solutions $F_n(x)$ and $G_n(y)$ of the BVPs, which you can finally add up to obtain a series representation $theta_w(x,y) = sum_n c_n e^{-beta_h x} F_n(x) e^{-beta_c y} G_n(y)$, with some coefficients $c_n in mathbb{R}$.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 13:50
Yes, that's correct. From the boundary conditions on $theta_h, theta_c, theta_w$ on the four faces of the rectangular domain you should obtain boundary conditions for $F$ and $G$. The boundary-value problems (BVPs) for $F$ and $G$ should have solutions only for a discrete set of values $mu_n$, $n in mathbb{N}$. For each of these values you might find solutions $F_n(x)$ and $G_n(y)$ of the BVPs, which you can finally add up to obtain a series representation $theta_w(x,y) = sum_n c_n e^{-beta_h x} F_n(x) e^{-beta_c y} G_n(y)$, with some coefficients $c_n in mathbb{R}$.
– Christoph
Jan 9 at 13:50
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But you still have the unknown functions $theta_h$ and $theta_c$ in your PDE after this substitution?!
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:38
Also, there should be a factor $V$ in front of $frac{partial theta_c}{partial y}$.
– Christoph
Jan 8 at 16:43
@Christoph Made the edit, you were right about the $V$. Can't $(beta_htheta_h+Vbeta_ctheta_c)$ be together considered a variable say $k$ which would be a function of $x$ and $y$ . And a second order linear PDE requires the coefficients to be the functions of the independent variables $x$ and $y$.
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:48
@Christoph. Any suggestion on how tot tackle the problem if what i was thinking is wrong
– Indrasis Mitra
Jan 8 at 16:50
It is correct to have 5 boundary conditions. As the scale of $F$ and $G$ is free for a homogeneous equation, fixing the scales adds two additional equations, making 7 conditions for a state of 6 function values and derivatives plus one parameter $mu$. // In the second approach either one of the cited BC is redundant or there is some other error, as 8 equations for 7 variables is usually not solvable.
– LutzL